Thursday, 15 October 2015

Selection Weekend - Friday Overview

Friday 2nd October 2015. We set off for Gillerthwaite to meet with the group at 5pm. When we arrived we all got set up in our rooms, then met in the main living room to each write down a question that would be answered later on. While the first team was cooking, the rest of us went outside and relived our childhoods playing games such as 'hide and seek' 'black and buzz off' and 'splat bang'. Amy's team cooked dinner, which consisted of vegetable spaghetti bolognese and for dessert, custard, bananas and digestive biscuits, asante Amy's team!! After dinner, we all sat in the living room and each read out a question that we had wrote previously, this was a chance for us to air any worries with the leaders and for them to answer any questions we had about the outward trip. Next we were all split into 4 teams to participate in the Derdian team building challenge, 2 groups were Derdians and the other 2 groups were the engineers. Before bed we all sat in the living room chatting, needless to say the main topic of conversation was the outward visit and reminiscing about the inward visit! Then it was time for bed, ready for our next early morning.

Yasmin Hailes

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