Monday, 23 February 2015

WLA Numeracy Event Cale Sale

On Thursday the 22nd January a parent/student numeracy event was being held at Westlakes academy. We hadn't started any fundraising for the link within school yet, and we thought it would be a good opportunity to sell cakes at the entrance to the people walking in an out of the building for the numeracy event. We built up a force of 9 cake-loving girls and organised a delicious cake stall and information board about the Cumbria Rungwe Community Link for the people passing by to read and learn from. Each cake cost just a donation and was brought in by students involved. It's fair to say, the turn-out wasn't as large as we had anticipated, there was a lot of waiting around between sales in the beginning, and the majority of those who did pass us seemed to be rushing to get to the event. We were in need of a solution to our situation, when somebody had the brilliant idea of going mobile with our little stall, we packed a tray full of delicious cake and ventured around the school looking for other people who were also enthusiastic about the charity (and of course the cake). It was a success! We sold cakes at a much faster pace than we had done all evening (especially the ever-faithful cake-lovers from the English department). With more optimistic spirits the night eventually came to a close, there was still quite a bit of cake left, so we packaged it all up and waited for the next school day to come around. At break time on Friday the 23rd we resumed the mobile cake-stall technique and took to the sixth form common room to finish off our sale, it turns out teenagers and cake are a good mix (who would've thought?) and soon, with the word about the cake sale for the Tanzania link flooding around the sixth form centre, there were no more cakes left to sell! Our team of 9 had been successful and £72.70 was added to the funds for the inward visit this summer. Tip for all future cake sales: if all else fails, go mobile!
Emily A

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