Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Prep Weekend - KiSwahili

After a short break after going over our first aid skills, it was time to practice our Ki Swahili in preparation for Tanzania. Together as a group, we all went over the basics and what we already knew before splitting of into two separate groups. First my group went outside with Amy to practice directions. We split into pairs, and one person wore a blindfold and the other had to direct the person using Ki Swahili which really tested the person with the blindfold on, as they had to remember the directions after only looking at the translations very briefly! The pairs then swapped and did the same before we went back inside to practice for our trips to the markets in Tanzania! With Becca, we practiced our numbers and foods and then went in pairs to the market stall ran by Don and Dianne to buy a long list of foods!


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