Wednesday 29 December 2010

Carol Singing Raises £300!

Another hearty Carol Singing session was given by Link members on Kings Street in Whitehaven on the Thursday before Christmas. Nearly 30 link folk turned out over the two sessions including at various times 15 members of this years group, 3 from last years and an assortment of leaders and friends present and past including the ever present Lyn Walby, Mary on the guitar and the youngest link member, Winnie Dyer aged 9 months.. The weather was crisp but the singing warmed folk up and despite the hard financial times the good folk of Whitehaven contributed over £300 to the cause. Our champion moneyraiser from the 2009/10 group, Lucy Froggatt was there throughout. Maybe it was the quality of the singing or, as the signs on the windows said, it was just Unbeatable Christmas Value.