After that we finished off the evening by singing a few songs with James, Sam and Mary playing the guitar, deciding which songs to sing while we’re in Tanzania and then prepared for the busy day ahead of us!
Our hectic day began by clearing the brambles in the field, it was hard work and we all seemed to end up covered in scratches but luckily Becca’s lunch team had prepared some well-earned refreshments. After lunch we got down to planning our time in Tanzania, starting with lesson plans on Science, English and Sports, which we’ll use when we go out there as we hope to transfer the methods used English schools to some of the classes we’ll be visiting, so that the Tanzanians can see the differences between the ways in teaching and hopefully be beneficial to them as well as entertaining!
Next we got out the parachute and practised a few games we’re taking out to Tanzania with us, which was great fun as always. Our next job was to sort out the risk assessment with our newest member Andy, then practise some Kiswahili with the leaders being shop assistants and us having to barter for various items we’d be buying at a Tanzanian market.
The evening then consisted of the making of the group contract (rules to which we all agree on how we should behave in Tanzania) and after a long day, all of the brambles and wood we’d cut down earlier were made into a bonfire for us, courtesy of the owner of the centre who even bought us marshmallows! So we sat out under the stars toasting marshmallows and chatting, then finally taking a walk to a lake, delayed only slightly by one of us managing to get stuck in a swamp…*ahem, Slyvia. ;)
The final day began with breakfast and Tash’s quiz on English and Tanzania culture. We then had a quick tidy and clean of the house before going home after a very tiring but great weekend! And I think I speak for us all when I say how excited the preparation weekend has made us for Tanzania, not long left until we go now!! :)
Holly Stainton