Thursday, 25 June 2009

Team Building Day on Drigg Beach

On Tuesday we spent the day at Drigg beach, with help from the Deb and the Harbour Project we had a great day getting to know other people involved with the link. There was a vibrant mix of us, from current youth exchange, past youth exchange, leaders to the dogs…..

We spent the day crossing minefields, cooking sausages on the BBQ, retrieving car keys from a log followed by a treasure hunt, not forgetting the wooden contraptions that we used as shoes “1,2,3…LEFT!”.

A few of the group even ended up in the sea thanks to the beautiful sunshine. After lunch the past youth exchange and leaders began to teach the newbie’s Maria, Timote Sose and Toombogeley songs/dances….. Click here to listen

It was a great day; I met some cool new people who I’m sure I will bump into again soon: D

By Georgina xoxo

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

A Very Sad Time For The Link

You may have already heard the news, but we would just like to confirm that the 2009 Visit is cancelled!

Political red tape has lead to the refusal of the Tanzanian student’s visa applications and subsequent appeals. This is all a result of the new immigration regulations and UK visa application process, which put people from rural and poorer areas at an extreme disadvantage.

Most of our activities planned for the next few weeks will now have to cancelled, however ones we can do without the Tanzanians will be going ahead. Watch this space for more news and updates...

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Our first website hits from Tanzania

At 10:43am on the 18th June we got our website hits from Tanzania. Now everyone has access to the photos, videos and stories we collect on our exchanges!